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7 papers
Limit Ultraspherical Series and Their Approximation Properties
I. I. Sharapudinov Daghestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala
We study new series of the form
$\sum_{k=0}^\infty f_k^{-1} \widehat P_k^{-1}(x)$ in which the general term
$f_k^{-1}\widehat P_k^{-1}(x)$,
$k=0,1,\dots$, is obtained by passing to the limit as
$\alpha\to-1$ from the general term $\widehat f_k^\alpha\widehat P_k^{\alpha,\alpha}(x)$ of the Fourier series $\sum_{k=0}^\infty f_k^\alpha\widehat P_k^{\alpha,\alpha}(x)$ in Jacobi ultraspherical polynomials
$\widehat P_k^{\alpha,\alpha}(x)$ generating, for
$\alpha>-1$, an orthonormal system with weight
$(1-x^2)^\alpha$ on
$[-1,1]$. We study the properties of the partial sums $S_n^{-1}(f,x)=\sum_{k=0}^nf_k^{-1}\widehat P_k^{-1}(x)$ of the limit ultraspherical series
$\sum_{k=0}^\infty f_k^{-1}\widehat P_k^{-1}(x)$. In particular, it is shown that the operator
$S_n^{-1}(f)=S_n^{-1}(f,x)$ is the projection onto the subspace of algebraic polynomials
$p_n=p_n(x)$ of degree at most
$n$, i.e.,
$S_n(p_n)=p_n$; in addition,
$S_n^{-1}(f,x)$ coincides with
$f(x)$ at the endpoints
$\pm1$, i.e.,
$S_n^{-1}(f,\pm1)=f(\pm1)$. It is proved that the Lebesgue function
$\Lambda_n(x)$ of the partial sums
$S_n^{-1}(f,x)$ is of the order of growth equal to
$O(\ln n)$, and, more precisely, it is proved that $\Lambda_n(x)\le c(1+\ln(1+n\sqrt{1-x^2}\mspace{2mu}))$,
$-1\le x\le 1$.
limit ultraspherical series, Fourier series, Lebesgue function of partial sums, Jacobi polynomial, Christoffel–Darboux formula, approximation of continuous functions.
517.587 Received: 11.01.2012