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JOURNALS // Matematicheskie Zametki // Archive

Mat. Zametki, 2016 Volume 100, Issue 1, Pages 163–179 (Mi mzm11124)

This article is cited in 14 papers

Almost Everywhere Summability of Fourier Series with Indication of the Set of Convergence

R. M. Trigub

Sumy State University

Abstract: In this paper, the following problem is studied. For what multipliers $\{\lambda_{k,n}\}$ do the linear means of the Fourier series of functions $f\in L_1[-\pi,\pi]$,
$$ \sum_{k=-\infty}^\infty \lambda_{k,n}\widehat{f}_k e^{ikx}, \qquad \text{where $\widehat{f}_k$ is the $k$th Fourier coefficient}, $$
converge as $n\to \infty$ at all points at which the derivative of the function $\int_0^x f$ exists? In the case $\lambda_{k,n}=(1-|k|/(n+1))_+$, a criterion of the convergence of the $(C,1)$-means and, in the general case $\lambda_{k,n}=\phi(k/(n+1))$, a sufficient condition of the convergence at all such points (i.e., almost everywhere) are obtained. In the general case, the answer is given in terms of whether $\phi(x)$ and $x\phi'(x)$ belong to the Wiener algebra of absolutely convergent Fourier integrals. New examples are given.

Keywords: Fourier series, Lebesgue point, $d$-point, Wiener–Banach algebra, Szidon's inequality, Hardy–Littlewood inequality.

UDC: 517.518.4+517.443

Received: 02.09.2015
Revised: 17.02.2016

DOI: 10.4213/mzm11124

 English version:
Mathematical Notes, 2016, 100:1, 139–153

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