$A$-Systems, Independent Functions, and Sets Bounded in Spaces of Measurable Functions
S. Ya. Novikov Samara State University
Let $U\subset L_\circ\bigl([0,1],\mathscr M,\mathbf m\bigr)$ be a set of Lebesgue measurable functions. Suppose also that two seminormed spaces of real number sequences are given:
$\mathscr A$ and
$\mathscr B$. We study
$(\mathscr A,\mathscr B)$ -sets
$U$ defined by the classes
$\mathscr A$ and
$\mathscr B$ as follows:
\forall a=(a_n)\in\mathscr {A},\quad
\forall(f_n(t))\in u^{\mathbb{N}}\quad\text{(or for sequences similar to,}
\quad (f_n(t)) \quad\exists E=E(a)\subset[0,1],\quad
\mathbf m E=1\quad\text{such that}
\{a_nf_n(t)\mathbf{1}_E(t)\}\in\mathscr B,\qquad t\in[0,1].
We consider three versions of the definition of
$(\mathscr A,\mathscr B)$ -sets, one of which is based on functions independent in the probability sense. The case
$\mathscr B=l_\infty$ is studied in detail. It is shown that
$(\mathscr A,l_\infty)$ -independent sets are sets bounded or order bounded in some well-known function spaces (
$L_{p,q}$, etc.) constructed with respect to the Lebesgue measure. A characterization of such sets in terms of seminormed spaces of number sequences is given. The
$(l_1,c_\circ)$- and
$(\mathscr A,l_1)$ -sets were studied by E. M. Nikishin.
519.21 Received: 01.04.2002
Revised: 28.05.2003