It is known
that the sum of the sine series
$g(\mathbf b,x)=\sum_{k=1}^\infty b_k\sin kx$
whose coefficients
constitute a convex sequence $\mathbf b$
is positive
on the interval
To estimate its values in a neighborhood of zero, Telyakovskii
used the piecewise continuous function
\sigma(\mathbf b,x)=\frac1{m(x)}\sum_{k=1}^{m(x)-1}k^2(b_k-b_{k+1}),\qquad
m(x)=\biggl[\frac\pi x\biggr].
He showed that the difference
$g(\mathbf b,x)-(b_{m(x)}/2)\operatorname{cot}(x/2)$
in a neighborhood of zero
admits a two-sided estimate
in terms of the function
$\sigma(\mathbf b,x)$
with absolute constants.
The exact values of these constants
for the class of convex sequences $\mathbf b$
are obtained in this paper.
Keywords:sine series with monotone coefficients, convex sequence,
slowly varying sequence.