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JOURNALS // Matematicheskie Zametki // Archive

Mat. Zametki, 2001 Volume 70, Issue 2, Pages 230–236 (Mi mzm736)

This article is cited in 10 papers

Invertibility of an Operator Appearing in the Control Theory for Linear Systems

G. A. Kurina

Voronezh State Academy of Forestry Engineering

Abstract: We give sufficient conditions for the existence of a bounded inverse operator for a linear operator appearing in the theory of optimal control of linear systems in Hilbert space and having a matrix representation of the form
$$ \begin {pmatrix} F_1&0&F_2 \\F_3&-F_1^*&F_5 \\-F_5^*&F_2^*&-F_4 \end{pmatrix} , $$
, where $F3$, $F4$ are nonnegative self-adjoint operators. The invertibility of the operator under study is used to prove the unique solvability of a certain two-point boundary-value problem that arises from conditions for optimal control.

UDC: 517.983.24

Received: 03.04.2000

DOI: 10.4213/mzm736

 English version:
Mathematical Notes, 2001, 70:2, 206–212

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