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3 papers
On summability with a weight of a solution of the Sturm-Liouville equation
M. O. Otelbaev Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, AS of Kazakh SSR
We study problems of summability with a weight of a solution of the Sturm–Liouville equation
-y'+q(x)y=f,\quad x\in J=(-\infty,\infty).
with bounded potential
$q(x)$, satisfying the conditions
\inf_{x\in J}q(x)\ge-\mu+1,\quad\sup_{|x-y|\le2}\frac{q(x)+\mu}{q(y)+\mu}<+\infty,
Our main result is the following: let
$q(x)$ satisfy the conditions given above and let l
$(x)$ be a nonnegative function such that
C(|x|^C+1)\ge l(x)\ge C^{-1}(|x|^C+1)^{-1},\quad\sup_{|x-y|\le2}\frac{l(x)}{l(y)}<+\infty,
then if
$-y''+q(x)y=f$ è
$y(x)l(x),~f(x)l(x)\in L_p(J)$ (
$1\le p<\infty$), it follows that
y''l(x),\quad q(x)l(x)y(x),
(q(x)+\mu)^{1/2}y'(x)l(x)\in L_p(J).
Received: 27.03.1974