Glasses in the NbO$_{2}$F-BaF$_{2}$-InF$_{3}$ and CdNbOF$_{5}$-BaF$_{2}$-InF$_{3}$ systems have been obtained and investigated by means of IR- and Raman spectroscopy. The analysis of the inelastic light scattering spectra was used to identify the contribution of the photoluminescence in the glasses studied. The contribution of the indium photoluminescence into the inelastic light scattering spectrum of the glasses in the NbO$_{2}$F-BaF$_{2}$-InF$_{3}$ and CdNbOF$_{5}$-BaF$_{2}$-InF$_{3}$ systems has been established by scattering excitation with a laser at a wavelength of 532 nm.