Let a $C^r$-smooth ($r\geq 5$) two-dimensional diffeomorphism $f$ have a non-transversal heteroclinic cycle containing several saddle periodic and heteroclinic orbits and, besides, some of the heteroclinic orbits are non-transversal, i.e. at the points of these orbits the invariant manifolds of the corresponding saddles intersect non-transversally. Suppose that a cycle contains at least two saddle periodic orbits such that the saddle value (the absolute value of product of multipliers) of one orbit is less than 1 and it is greater than 1 for the other orbit. We prove that in any neighbourhood (in $C^r$-topology) of $f$ in the space of $C^r$-diffeomorphisms, there are open regions (so-called Newhouse regions with heteroclinic tangencies) where diffeomorphisms with infinitely many stable and unstable invariant circles are dense. For three-dimensional flows, this result implies the existence of Newhouse regions where flows having infinitely many stable and unstable invariant two-dimensional tori are dense.