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JOURNALS // Optics and Spectroscopy // Archive

Optics and Spectroscopy, 2023 Volume 131, Issue 6, Pages 817–824 (Mi os1381)

Proceedings of The XXVI Annual International Conference "Saratov Fall Meeting 2022", September 26-30, 2022, Saratov, Russia

Fluorescence of chlorosomal bacteriochlorophylls in organic solvents

A. A. Zhiltsovaa, O. A. Filippovaa, E. D. Krasnovab, D. A. Voronovc, S. V. Patsaevaa

a Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, 119991 Moscow, Russia
b Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, 119234 Moscow, Russia
c Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute), 127051 Moscow, Russia

Abstract: Chlorosomal bacteriochlorophylls are the main photosynthetic pigments of green sulfur bacteria, that are anoxygenic phototrophic microorganisms. The spectral properties of chlorophylls of vascular plants, algae and cyanobacteria are well studied, however, the spectral-luminescent properties of their related compounds, bacteriochlorophylls, which participate in anoxygenic photosynthesis, are practically not described in the scientific literature. The polarity of the solvent and the environment have a significant effect on the emission spectra (bacterio)chlorophylls, which is expressed in the spectral shift of the absorption and fluorescence maxima, as well as changes in the fluorescence intensity. The spectral characteristics of bacteriochlorophylls d and e were obtained in organic solvents such as acetone, methanol, ethanol and isopropanol, as well as in acetone-ethanol (7 : 2) and acetone-methanol (7 : 2) mixtures. These solvents are most often used for the extraction of bacteriochlorophylls from bacterial cells, so the work will be useful for the development of methods for the quantitative determination of chlorosomal bacteriochlorophylls in bacterial cells or in samples of natural water.

Keywords: bacteriochlorophyll (BChl), fluorescence, absorption spectra, photosynthetic pigments.

Received: 30.11.2022
Revised: 28.12.2022
Accepted: 10.01.2023

DOI: 10.21883/OS.2023.06.55916.108-23

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