Using X-ray phase analysis, scanning electron microscopy atomic force and magnetic force microscopy, and IR spectroscopy the properties of polycrystalline TiO$_{2}$ films modified by cobalt during magnetron sputtering and subsequent pulsed photon processing in air have been investigated. It has been found that in the course of the modification, a nanocrystalline (with a grain size of $\sim$50 nm) film consisting of cobalt and titanium oxides is formed. Their surface exhibits magnetic properties. In the IR reflection spectra obtained at different incident angle of beam, two of the transverse optical (TO) phonons and their corresponding longitudinal (LO) phonons above 500–600 cm$^{-1}$ were observed, which identify the formation of Co$_{3}$Î$_{4}$ in the spinel structure. The study of optical absorption indicates the predominant existence in the films of phases with direct optical transitions. The optical band gap value was 1.43 and 1. 83 eV for Co$_{3}$Î$_{4}$ and 2.65 eV for the cubic phase of CoO.