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JOURNALS // Optics and Spectroscopy // Archive

Optics and Spectroscopy, 2019 Volume 126, Issue 5, Pages 604–610 (Mi os715)

This article is cited in 3 papers

The 22nd Annual Conference Saratov Fall Meeting 2018 (SFM'18): VI International Symposium ''Optics and Biophotonics'' and XXII International School for Junior Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics & Biophotonics

Use of terahertz spectroscopy for in vivo studies of lymphedema development dynamics

Yu. V. Kistenevab, V. V. Nikolaevac, O. S. Kurochkinad, A. V. Borisovab, E. A. Sandykovaab, N. A. Krivovaa, D. K. Tuchinaae, P. A. Timoshinaae

a Tomsk State University
b Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk, Russia
c Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
d Microsurgery Research Institute, Tomsk
e Saratov State University

Abstract: A laboratory model of lymphedema development induced by lymphatic vessel resection in rat extremities is presented. In vivo analysis of lymphedema development (monitoring for 4 weeks) employed reflective terahertz spectroscopy with a Dove prism. The incidence angle for an $s$-polarized electromagnetic wave directed to the boundary of the prism and the biological tissue was close to the Brewster's angle. Significant changes in the spectral characteristics of the tissue in the animals' extremities were detected on days 21–28 of lymphedema development. A predictive model for disease diagnostics based on monitoring the changes of the tissue absorbance curve in the 0.4–1.1 THz range was constructed. Principal component analysis and support vector machines were used in the model.

Received: 05.12.2018
Revised: 25.12.2018
Accepted: 31.01.2019

DOI: 10.21883/OS.2019.05.47659.8-19

 English version:
Optics and Spectroscopy, 2019, 126:5, 523–529

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