A discrete mathematical model is proposed which is intended for computer simulation of physical-chemical processes in a powder mixture under the impact pressure produced by the explosion. The model is a two-dimensional “Lattice-Gas” cellular automaton with hexagonal structure of the discrete space in the plane perpendicular to the direction of emerging jet. The powder grains are simulated by “particles” of a Lattice-Gas model, having different mass for different powder substances and capable to enter in chemical interactions. Program implementation of cellular automaton evolution is done for five cases, differing by the angles between the front of impact pressure wave and the direction of emerging powder jet. Simulation aimed to investigate the production of tungsten carbides when the mixture of powdered tungsten and carbon are used. Relative amount of carbides $\mathrm{WC}$ and $\mathrm W_2\mathrm C$ obtained by simulation are compared to those produced in natural tests, which allowed to specify previously unknown cellular automata model coefficients.