This article is cited in
4 papers
Mathematical Backgrounds of Computer and Control System Reliability
Synthesis of easily testable logic networks under arbitrary stuck-at faults at inputs and outputs of gates
K. A. Popkov Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
Two binary vectors are called
$k$-adjacent if they differ in at most
$k$ components, where
$k\in\mathbb{N}$. For
$\alpha\in\{0,1\}$ and
$s\in\mathbb{N}$, let
$\alpha^s$ be the Boolean vector
$(\alpha,\ldots,\alpha)$ with
$s$ coordinates
$\alpha$. For each natural
$k$, consider the bases $B(k)=\{\varphi(x_1,\ldots,x_{2k+2}),x_1\ldots x_{k+1}\vee\overline x_1\ldots\overline x_{k+1},\overline x,0\}$ and $B'(k)=\{\varphi(x_1,\ldots,x_{2k+2}),\xi(x_1,\ldots,x_{3k+2}),\eta(x_1,\ldots,x_{4k+2}),\overline x,0\}$, where
$\varphi(x_1,\ldots,x_{2k+2})$ is an arbitrary non-self-dual Boolean function taking the value
$\alpha$ on the vector
$\alpha^{2k+2}$ and the value
$\overline\alpha$ on all other vectors
$k$-adjacent to this vector;
$\xi(x_1,\ldots,x_{3k+2})$ is an arbitrary Boolean function taking the value
$\alpha$ on the vector
$\alpha^{3k+2}$, the value
$\overline\alpha$ on all other vectors
$k$-adjacent to this vector, and the value
$\alpha$ on all vectors
$k$-adjacent to the vector
$\eta(x_1,\ldots,x_{4k+2})$ is an arbitrary Boolean function taking the value
$1$ on the vector
$\alpha^{4k+2}$, the value
$0$ on all other vectors
$k$-adjacent to this vector, and the value
$\alpha$ on all vectors
$k$-adjacent to the vector
$D_{k\text{(I)}}(f)$ (
$D'_{k\text{(IO)}}(f)$) be the least length of a fault detection test (fault detection test, diagnostic test, diagnostic test, respectively) for irredundant logic networks consisting of logic gates in the basis
$B(k)$ (basis
$B(k)$, basis
$B'(k)$, basis
$B'(k)$, respectively), implementing given Boolean function
$f(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$, and having at most
$k$ arbitrary stuck-at faults on inputs of gates (on inputs and/or outputs of gates, on inputs of gates, on inputs and/or outputs of gates, respectively).
Let a Boolean function
$f(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ be called palindromic if it takes the same value on any two opposite binary
The following facts are obtained. The quantity
$D_{k\text{(I)}}(f)$ equals
$0$ iff
$f$ is an identical function (i.e.,
$f\equiv x_i$ for some
$i\in\{1,\ldots,n\}$) and equals
$2$ otherwise. The quantity
$D_{k\text{(IO)}}(f)$ equals
$0$ iff
$f$ is an identical function, equals
$1$ iff
$f\equiv 0$, equals
$2$ iff
$f$ is not an identical or palindromic function, equals
$3$ iff
$f$ is a palindromic function and
$f\not\equiv 0,1$, and is undefined iff
$f\equiv 1$. The quantity
$D'_{k\text{(I)}}(f)$ equals
$0$ iff
$f$ is an identical function and equals
$2$ otherwise. The quantity
$D'_{1\text{(IO)}}(f)$ equals
$0$ iff
$f$ is an identical function, equals
$1$ iff
$f\equiv 0$, equals
$2$ iff
$f\equiv\overline x_i$ for some
$i\in\{1,\ldots,n\}$, equals
$3$ iff
$f$ is not a self-dual function and
$f\not\equiv 0,1$, equals
$4$ iff
$f$ is a self-dual function and $f\notin\{x_1,\ldots,x_n,\overline x_1,\ldots,\overline x_n\}$, and is undefined iff
$f\equiv 1$. For each
$k\in\mathbb N$, the equality
$D'_{k\text{(IO)}}(f)=4$ holds true under
$n\geqslant 3$, and in the case
$k\geqslant 2$, the proportion of those Boolean functions
$f$ in
$n$ variables, for which
$D'_{k\text{(IO)}}(f)=4$, tends to
$1$ under
logic network, arbitrary stuck-at fault, fault detection test, diagnostic test.