We consider the realization of ternary logic functions by circuits from unreliable functional elements in Rosser–Turkett basis. We assume that all circuit elements are exposed to faults of type $0$ at the outputs and they pass to fault states independently with probability $\varepsilon$ ($\varepsilon<1/2$). We have obtained the following results: 1) any function of ternary logic can be realized by a circuit with unreliability that is asymptotically not more than $\varepsilon$ for small $\varepsilon$; 2) for any function except the constant $0$ and the variable $ x_i$ ($i\in\mathbb N$), such a circuit is asymptotically optimal to reliability and operates with the unreliability asymptotically equalled $\varepsilon$ for small $\varepsilon$; 3) the functions $0$ and $x_i $ can be realized absolutely reliably.
Keywords:ternary logic functions, circuit from functional gates, unreliability of a circuit, reliability of a circuit, faults of type $0$.