This article is cited in
2 papers
Mathematical Methods of Cryptography
On algorithmic implementation of 16-bit S-boxes with ARX and Butterfly structures
S. M. Komissarov National Engineering Physics Institute "MEPhI", Moscow
Implementations of non-linear mappings of vector space
$V_n$ (s-boxes
$n \times n$) as lookup-tables are memory intensive. It requires
$n2^n$ bits to store
$n$-bit s-box. That is why the existing block ciphers use s-boxes of relatively small size (
$8\times8$ bit — AES, Kuznyechik,
$6\times4$ bit — DES).
New constructions of
$16$-bit algorithmically implementable s-boxes with improved performance and cryptographic properties (in comparison with the existing methods) are proposed.
The first method is based on ARX (Add-Rotate-XOR) structure, using low-cost computations in software and hardware.
The second method is based on butterfly structure, using
$8$-bit precomputed s-boxes to build
$16\times16$ ones.
Maximum expected differential probability, maximum expected linear probability and minimum
nonlinear order over all linear combinations of the components of proposed s-boxes with ARX structure are
$ 18/2^{16} $,
$ 764/2^{15} $ and
$15$, respectively and of suggested s-boxes with Butterfly structure are
$ 10/2^{16} $,
$ 512/2^{15} $ and
$15$, respectively.
It is established that the use of the proposed
$16$-bit s-boxes in the round substitutions of AES and Kuznyechik block ciphers significantly lowers the upper bounds of differential and linear probabilities for two and four rounds of these algorithms.
$16$-bit s-box, algorithmic implementation of s-boxes, ARX, Butterfly, maximum differential probability, maximum linear probability, nonlinear order.