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Burinskii Alexander Yanovich
Burinskii Alexander Yanovich
Head Scientist Researcher
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2003)

Birth date: 6.10.1939
Phone: +7 (499) 767 31 83
Fax: +7 (495) 958 11 51
E-mail: ,
Keywords: Kerr–Newman solution, complex shift, Kerr theorem, twistors, N=2 string, soliton, gravitaiting bag, supersymmetric phase transition.


Specific features of the spinning Kerr geometry.
show new path to unification of gravity with physics of elementary particles. Supersymmetric Bag model as model of consictent with gravity regular source of the Kerr-Newman solution.
Kerr geometry, Kerr theorem, twistors and $N=2$ superstring.
Foundations of Quantum theory and unification of Guantum theory with Gravity.

Main publications:
  1. A. Burinskii, “Weakness of gravity as illusion which hides true path to unification of gravity with particle physics,”, Intern. J. of Modern Phys. D, 26 (2017), 1743022 \doi DOI: 10.1142/S0218271817430222
  2. A. Burinskii, “Source of the Kerr–Newman Solution as a Supersymmetric Domain-Wall Bubble: 50 years of the problem”, Physics Letters B, 754 (2016), 99–103  crossref
  3. A. Burinskii, “Gravitating Lepton Bag Model”, JETP (ÆÝÒÔ), 148 (2015), 228
  4. A. Burinskii, “Some properties of the Kerr solution to low-energy string theory”, Phys. Rev. D, 52 (1995), 5826, arXiv: hep-th/9504139
  5. A.ß. Áóðèíñêèé, “Ìèêðîãåîí ñî ñïèíîì”, ÆÝÒÔ, 66:2 (1974), 406; Sov. Phys. JETP, 39 (1974), 193

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