The bending of a circular three-layer plate with an asymmetric thickness under neutron irradiation conditions is considered. The
axisymmetric continuous load is perpendicular to the plate plane. The kinematics of the package is described using the polyline
hypothesis. For load-bearing layers, the Kirchhoff hypotheses are accepted. The relatively thick filler obeys Timoshenko's hypothesis about the straightness and incompressibility of the deformed normal. The work of tangential stresses in the filler is
taken into account. Differential equilibrium equations are obtained by the Lagrange variational method. The contour of the plate
is pivotally supported. The statement of the boundary value problem for finding the three desired functions: deflection, shear
and radial displacement of the median plane of the filler is given. The solution for a uniformly distributed load is obtained in the
final form. Its numerical parametric analysis is carried out.