A subgroup $H$ is called weakly subnormal in$G$ if $H=<A,B>$ for some subgroup $A$ subnormal in $G$ and seminormal
subgroup $B$ of $G$. Here the subgroup $B$ is called seminormal in $G$, if there exists a subgroup $Y$ such that $G=BY$ and $BX$ is a
subgroup for each subgroup $X$ of $Y$. Finite non-nilpotent group, whose all proper subgroups are nilpotent are called Schmidt. If
in a group with a nilpotent maximal subgroup the derived subgroup of a Sylow $2$-subgroup from a maximal subgroup is
contained in the center of a Sylow $2$-subgroup, then the group is solvable. If the maximal subgroup of a group is non-nilpotent,
then in it there is a Schmidt subgroup. The structure of the group itself, in particular, its solvability depends on the properties of
Schmidt subgroups from a maximal subgroup of the group. In this paper, we establish the solubility of a finite group under the
condition that some Schmidt subgroups from the maximal subgroup groups are weakly subnormal in a group.