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JOURNALS // Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2020 Volume 46, Issue 4, Pages 40–44 (Mi pjtf5187)

This article is cited in 7 papers

Detonation combustion control using preliminary preparation of the gas mixture

V. A. Levinab, T. A. Zhuravskayaab

a Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Mechanics
b Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Zhukovsky, Moscow oblast, Russia

Abstract: The effect of preliminary preparation of a stoichiometric hydrogen–air mixture (decomposition of a part of molecular hydrogen and molecular oxygen into atomic gases) on the characteristics of a propagating detonation wave is numerically studied using a detailed kinetic mechanism of chemical interaction. It is revealed that this preliminary dissociation leads to a significant reduction in the transverse size of the detonation cell with a slight increase in the propagation velocity of the self-sustained wave, which allows using this preparation to prevent detonation damping in channels with both a single obstacle and multiple barriers.

Keywords: plane channel, detonation, barrier, conservation/quenching of detonation combustion.

Received: 14.10.2019
Revised: 14.10.2019
Accepted: 18.11.2019

DOI: 10.21883/PJTF.2020.04.49050.18074

 English version:
Technical Physics Letters, 2020, 46:2, 189–192

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