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JOURNALS // Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2024 Volume 50, Issue 7, Pages 39–42 (Mi pjtf6647)

Tunnel diodes $n^{++}$-GaAs:($\delta$-Si)/$p^{++}$-Al$_{0.4}$Ga$_{0.6}$As:(C) for connecting elements of multijunction laser photoconverters

V. S. Kalinovskiia, N. A. Maleeva, E. V. Kontrosha, A. P. Vasil'evb, K. K. Prudchenkoa, I. A. Tolkachova, A. V. Malevskayaa, V. M. Ustinova

a Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
b Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Abstract: Based on mathematical modeling, there has been proposed a new type of thermally stable connecting tunnel diode with an intermediate $i$-layer, which is promising for implementing highly efficient multijunction laser photoconverters. Two types of the $n^{++}$-GaAs/$p^{++}$-Al$_{0.4}$Ga$_{0.6}$As tunnel diode structures have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy: with and withput the intermediate $i$-GaAs layer. It has been experimentally demonstrated that the inclusion of a nanoscale $i$-layer between the $n^{++}$- and $p^{++}$-regions of the tunnel diode provides an increase in the density of peak tunneling current $J_p$. Due to the epitaxial wafer annealing which simulates a long-term process of epitaxial growth of multijunction laser-radiation photoconverters, the structure with the $i$-layer exhibited a 30% increase in peak tunneling current $J_p$.

Keywords: mathematical modeling, connecting tunnel diode, $i$-layer, molecular beam epitaxy, multijunction laser photoconverter.

Received: 24.10.2023
Revised: 21.12.2023
Accepted: 21.12.2023

DOI: 10.61011/PJTF.2024.07.57469.19777

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