Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2024 Volume 50, Issue 21,Pages 7–10(Mi pjtf6805)
Anomalous contrast and high sharpness of image of a sharp edge of a steel plate during radiography using microfocus bremsstrahlung of a new source based on an 18 MeV betatron
A radiographic image of the sharp edge of a 0.4 mm thick steel plate, demonstrating the property of the microfocus bremsstrahlung of a new source based on an 18 MeV betatron to form a contrasting and sharp image of the plate edge tip, is presented. An anomaly in the form of a narrow light band along the positive image of the tip provides its contrast, which together with the high sharpness of the image due to the microfocus of the source makes it possible to determine the position of the tip with high accuracy. The light band effect is not observed when using 450 and 45 keV X-ray tubes with focus sizes of 400 and 80 $\mu$m.
Keywords:betatron, electron beam, microfocus bremsstrahlung, radiography.