Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2023 Volume 49, Issue 12,Pages 43–46(Mi pjtf7012)
Single-stage synthesis of a mixture of WC$_{1-x}$ nanoparticles and a hybrid nanomaterial based on multi-wall carbon nanotubes with
WC$_{1-x}$ nanocoatings
By the method of chemical vapor deposition of tungsten hexacarbonyl at atmospheric pressure in an argon flow has been used to obtain promising fillers for aluminum matrix composite materials in the form of a mixture of nanoparticles of non-stoichiometric cubic tungsten carbide (WC$_{1-x}$) and hybrid nanomaterials based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with nonstoichiometric cubic tungsten carbide. The influence of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) parameters on the morphology of samples was studied and the optimal synthesis conditions were selected. The structure and composition of the synthesized materials were studied by electron microscopy and X-ray phase analysis.