Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2023 Volume 49, Issue 19,Pages 43–46(Mi pjtf7088)
Sensitivity of detection of micro-objects in radiography of thick composite steel objects using a new source of microfocus bremsstrahlung based on a betatron
The possibility is shown and the sensitivity of detecting microobjects in the radiography of thick steel objects using microfocus (13 $\mu$m) bremsstrahlung of a new source based on a betatron with an electron energy of 18 MeV is evaluated. The image contrast and resolution of a pair of thin (48 $\mu$m) Duplex IQI wires are demonstrated, which is the basis for determining the sensitivity of microobject detection.
Keywords:betatron, electron beam, bremsstrahlung, radiography.