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JOURNALS // Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki // Archive

Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2022, Volume 48, Issue 22, Pages 24–27 (Mi pjtf7444)

Electrical conductive and photoelectrical properties of heterostructures based on gallium and chromium oxides with corundum structure

D. A. Almaeva, A. V. Almaevba, V. V. Kopyeva, V. I. Nikolaevcd, A. I. Pechnikovc, S. I. Stepanovc, M. E. Boikoc, P. N. Butenkoac, M. P. Scheglovc

a Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
b Fokon LLC, Kaluga, Russia
c Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
d Perfect Crystals LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia

Abstract: $\alpha$-Ga$_2$O$_3$/$\alpha$-Cr$_2$O$_3$ heterostructures with a corundum structure were obtained by chloride vapor phase epitaxy and magnetron sputtering. The structural, electrical conductive and photoelectrical properties of the obtained samples were studied. It was established that the $\alpha$-Ga$_2$O$_3$/$\alpha$-Cr$_2$O$_3$ heterostructures exhibits weak rectifying properties and in comparison with $\alpha$-Ga$_2$O$_3$ films has a higher response speed when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Keywords: gallium oxide, chromium oxide, corundum, anisotypic heterostructures

Received: 25.07.2022
Revised: 28.09.2022
Accepted: 29.09.2022

DOI: 10.21883/PJTF.2022.22.53802.19322

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