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JOURNALS // Applied Mathematics & Physics // Archive

Applied Mathematics & Physics, 2016, Volume 44, Issue 20, Pages 77–85 (Mi pmf132)


Application of the angular distribution of the diffracted transition radiation in a thin single-crystal target for determination of the divergence of the relativistic electron beam

S. V. Blazhevich, А. В. Носков, A. S. Starovoytov

Белгородский национальный исследовательский университет

Abstract: In the present work the expression describing the transition radiation generated by a relativistic electron beam crossing a thin single crystal plate is derived and the influence of the beam divergence on the radiation angular density is investigated. A computer program, which allows to determinate the relativistic electron beam divergenceby the diffracted transition radiation angular density is created.

Keywords: relativistic electron, parametric X-radiation, diffracted transition radiation.

UDC: 537.8

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