Experimental determination of the fire break size and specific water consumption for effective control and complete suppression of the front propagation of a typical ground fire
This paper presents the results of an experimental study of the occurrence and control of flaming combustion and thermal decomposition of typical forest combustible materials by creating a fire break in the form of a wetted layer with a fixed width, length, and depth and a given volume of the contained liquid. The ranges of parameter values that ensure stable suppression of the flaming combustion and thermal decomposition of forest combustible material were determined. Experiments were performed for all major types of forest combustible materials: leaves, needles, twigs, and mixtures of the listed materials. Prediction of the required (minimum) water volumes and sizes of the fire break for guaranteed control of the combustion of forest combustible materials of the types studied was made.
Keywords:forest fuels, thermal decomposition, flaming combustion, fire front, containment, suppression, fire break.