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JOURNALS // Problemy Peredachi Informatsii // Archive

Probl. Peredachi Inf., 2005 Volume 41, Issue 4, Pages 78–96 (Mi ppi116)

This article is cited in 63 papers

Methods of Signal Processing

Recursive Aggregation of Estimators by Mirror Descent Algorithm with Averaging

A. B. Yuditskiia, A. V. Nazinb, A. B. Tsybakovcd, N. Vayatisd

a Laboratoire Techniques de l'Ingénierie Médicale et de la Complexité — Informatique, Mathématiques et Applications de Grenoble
b Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences
c Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
d Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris VI

Abstract: We consider a recursive algorithm to construct an aggregated estimator from a finite number of base decision rules in the classification problem. The estimator approximately minimizes a convex risk functional under the $\ell_1$-constraint. It is defined by a stochastic version of the mirror descent algorithm which performs descent of the gradient type in the dual space with an additional averaging. The main result of the paper is an upper bound for the expected accuracy of the proposed estimator. This bound is of the order $C\sqrt{(\log M)/t}$ with an explicit and small constant factor $C$, where $M$ is the dimension of the problem and $t$ stands for the sample size. A similar bound is proved for a more general setting, which covers, in particular, the regression model with squared loss.

UDC: 621.391.1:519.2

Received: 16.03.2005
Revised: 26.07.2005

 English version:
Problems of Information Transmission, 2005, 41:4, 368–384

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