The aim of the paper is to revive and develop results of an unpublished manuscript of A.G. D'yachkov. We consider a discrete memoryless channel (DMC) and prove a theorem on the exponential expurgation bound for list decoding with fixed list size $L$. This result is an extension of the classical exponential error probability bound for optimal codes over a DMC to the list decoding model over a DMC. As applications of this result, we consider a memoryless binary symmetric channel (BSC) and a memoryless binary asymmetric channel ($\mathrm{Z}$-channel). For the both channels, we derive a lower bound on the fraction of correctable errors for zero-rate transmission over the corresponding channels under list decoding with a fixed list size $L$ at the channel output. For the $\mathrm{Z}$-channel, we obtain this bound for an arbitrary input alphabet distribution $(1-w,w)$; we also find the optimum value of the obtained bound and prove that the fraction of errors correctable by an optimal code tends to $1$ as the list size $L$ tends to infinity.
Keywords:discrete memoryless channel, binary symmetric channel, $\mathrm{Z}$-channel, fraction of correctable errors, expurgation bound, list decoding.