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JOURNALS // Problemy Peredachi Informatsii // Archive

Probl. Peredachi Inf., 1994 Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 79–95 (Mi ppi246)

This article is cited in 3 papers

Large Systems

Evolution of a Random String: Stabilization Laws

V. A. Malyshev

Abstract: A discrete-time homogeneous Markov chain is considered the states of which are sequences (strings) $\alpha=x_n\dots x_1$ of $n$ symbols; the transition probabilities depend only on the $d$ leftmost symbols, and $\alpha$ can jump only to $\beta=y_m\dots y_1$ such that $|n-m|\leq d$ and $x_i=y_i$ for all $i=1,\dots, n-d$.
We prove various stabilization laws for the left end of the string. For a queueing theory, this means that a LIFO queue with $r$ types of customers and with batch arrivals and batch services is considered. This constitutes the first step of the new probabilistic approach to communication networks with several customer types.

UDC: 621.391.1:519.2

Received: 02.12.1993

 English version:
Problems of Information Transmission, 1994, 30:3, 260–284

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