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JOURNALS // Problemy Peredachi Informatsii // Archive

Probl. Peredachi Inf., 1972 Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 16–25 (Mi ppi771)

Information Theory

Capacity of Multipath Channels

D. D. Klovskii, V. A. Soifer

Abstract: The capacity of multipath channels under slow-fading conditions is determined. The distribution for each of $N$ paths is described by a general Gaussian model. The capacity is determined both under separable reception conditions and under conditions such that separable reception is impossible. In the former case two-path combination techniques are analyzed: incoherent summation and cophasing.

UDC: 621.391.133

Received: 10.03.1969
Revised: 25.02.1971

 English version:
Problems of Information Transmission, 1972, 8:1, 10–16

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