Jaynes's entropy concentration theorem states that, for most words $\omega_1\dots\omega_N$
of length $N$ such that
$\sum\limits_{i=1}^Nf(\omega_i)\approx vN$,
empirical frequencies of values of a function $f$ are close
to the probabilities that maximize the Shannon entropy given a value $v$ of the mathematical
expectation of $f$. Using the notion of algorithmic entropy, we define the notions of entropy for
the Bose and Fermi statistical models of unordered data. New variants of Jaynes's concentration
theorem for these models are proved. We also present some concentration properties for
free energy in the case of a nonisolated isothermal system. Exact relations for the algorithmic
entropy and free energy at extreme points are obtained. These relations are used to obtain
tight bounds on fluctuations of energy levels at equilibrium points.