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JOURNALS // Program Systems: Theory and Applications // Archive

Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2015 Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 121–133 (Mi ps159)

This article is cited in 2 papers

Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Neural Networks

Construction perspectives of the remote sensing data high-performance processing system

V. M. Khachumova, V. P. Fralenkob, Chen Guo Xiangc, Zhang Guo Liangd

a Institute of Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences
b Program Systems Institute of RAS
c Hangzhou Avisi Electronics Co., Ltd.
d Harbin Institute of Technology

Abstract: The paper presents the intermediate results of studies on the challenges of full color and multispectral remote sensing images processing. Presented the experiments results of target regions detection with spectrographic fill and neural network clustering; solved the problem of complex rigid objects detection. Proposed implementation of the multispectral images to grayscale and color algorithm conversion. All programs are designed for operation on a heterogeneous computing machine. (In Russian).

Key words and phrases: collaboration, remote sensing, multispectral images, parallelism.

UDC: 004.932

Received: 24.12.2014
Accepted: 24.02.2015

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025