Hardware, software and distributed supercomputer systems
Effective use of discrete optimization solvers in cloud infrastructure on the basis of heuristic decomposition of the initial problem by optimization modeling system AMPL
Let's take some discrete optimization problem and a time interval to find its solution by some branch and bound solver. Can
we reduce time of solving if a number of instances of the same solver will run simultaneously with the same problem? We have
got significant acceleration with open source solvers in multi-processors cloud computing environment. Our approach is based
on the following:
preliminary decomposition of the given problem into sub-problems via fixing integer values of some
discrete variables selected in accordance with some heuristic rule implemented as a program in optimization modelling language
parallel solving of sub-problems by a pool of solvers which run simultaneously and exchange incumbents (bounds of
optimal values in branch-and-bound method) they found in processing of sub-problems.
The approach is attractive due to the
relative simplicity of program implementation. It has been verified on “Traveling Salesman (TSP)” and “Task-to-Worker
scheduling” problems.
(In Russian).
Key words and phrases:discrete optimization, branch and bound algorithm, prior heuristic decomposition.