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JOURNALS // Program Systems: Theory and Applications // Archive

Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2016 Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 105–125 (Mi ps219)

Optimization Methods and Control Theory

Possibilities of mathematical models and methods application to study of regional sustainable development problems on the case of the Arctic zone

V. I. Gurmanab, I. V. Rasinab, A. O. Blinovb, I. S. Gusevac, N. E. Kulbakab, O. V. Feskob

a ICS V. A. Trapeznikov of RAS
b Ailamazyan Program System Institute of RAS
c Buryat State University

Abstract: The article analyzes the Russian Arctic as a complex socio-ecologicaleconomic system, which requires the analysis of the model. (In Russian).

Key words and phrases: socio-ecological-economic model, sustainable development, the Arctic.

UDC: 332.1

Received: 16.05.2016
Accepted: 21.06.2016

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025