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JOURNALS // Program Systems: Theory and Applications // Archive

Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2021 Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 105–119 (Mi ps380)

Optimization Methods and Control Theory

Analytical design of controllers for discrete-continuous systems with linear control

I. V. Rasinaa, O. V. Feskoa, O. V. Usenkob

a Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
b Irkutsk Rehabilitation College

Abstract: The study focuses on a certain kind of discrete-continuous systems (DCS): the linear hybrid DCS with state-dependent coefficients. The authors proposed a problem similar to the analytical design of optimal controllers (ADOC). For this study, we generalized the Krotov sufficient optimality conditions. The paper includes several examples.

Key words and phrases: discrete-continuous systems, sufficient optimality conditions, ADOCs problem.

UDC: 517.977
BBK: 22.182:22.185.42

MSC: Primary 49M30; Secondary 49N10

Received: 02.05.2021
Accepted: 30.06.2021

DOI: 10.25209/2079-3316-2021-12-2-105-119

 English version:
, 2021, 12:2, 121–135

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025