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JOURNALS // Problemy Upravleniya // Archive

Probl. Upr., 2020 Issue 3, Pages 78–82 (Mi pu1194)


XII international conference «management of large-scale system development» MLSD'2019

A. D. Tsvirkun, I. A. Stepanovskaya

V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Abstract: Scientific results of participants of the conference that took place in October of 2019 are presented. Among the thematic directions (sections) of the conference were management problems of large-scale system development in different areas, such as banking and finances, infrastructure and transport, healthcare and society, etc.; methods and tools for managing investment projects and programs; management of development of a digital economy; simulation and optimization in the problems of development management of large-scale systems; nonlinear processes and computing methods in the problems of management of large-scale systems; managing the development of regional, urban and municipal systems; management of objects of nuclear power and other objects of increased danger; information support and software management systems for large-scale production. Almost eight hundred authors presented 411 theses and 172 papers.

Keywords: conference, large-scale systems, digital economy.

UDC: 681.5

DOI: 10.25728/pu.2020.3.9

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2024