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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1994 Volume 21, Number 5, Pages 423–428 (Mi qe101)

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Mechanism of degradation of the electronic excitation energy of dye laser molecules

Yu. Kaulakis

Vilnius Technical University, Lithuania

Abstract: An increase in the role of nonradiative electron transitions from an excited state of a dye molecule under the action of a resonant electromagnetic field, together with concentration quenching and luminescence depolarisation, indicate the occurrence of a process which can be called induced degradation of an excited state. A model of interacting oscillators, which emit radiation and convert the electronic excitation energy to heat, makes it possible to account for the main relationships governing the experimentally observed additional quenching. In the first approximation, the general relationships governing the absorption and the concentration effects can be represented in a unified manner and they describe the experimental results with the minimum number of necessary parameters.

PACS: 42.55.Mv, 33.50.-j

Received: 10.08.1993

 English version:
Quantum Electronics, 1994, 24:5, 390–394

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