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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1975 Volume 2, Number 1, Pages 73–77 (Mi qe10690)

Experimental investigation of the interaction between laser radiation and an argon plasma

A. A. Bakeev, Yu. M. Vas'kovskii, N. N. Vorob'eva, L. I. Nikolashina, V. K. Orlov, R. E. Rovinskii, A. K. Sedov, I. P. Shirokova

Abstract: An investigation was made of the processes which accompanied the passage of high-power laser radiation (λ=1.06 μ ) through an argon plasma generated in a plasmatron. Interaction of a laser beam of over 107 W/cm2 power density with a plasma whose initial temperature was 9500 °K and in which the electron density was ~1016 cm–3 produced a perturbed region whose expansion during the first 10 λsec was of detonation type and which changed subsequently to a slow-combustion regime maintained throughout the passage of the laser beam. The plasma temperature rose to 19000 °K in the perturbed region although the absorption of the laser radiation was less than the experimental error (κλ≤0.04 cm–1).

UDC: 621.378.325:535.21

PACS: 52.38.-r

Received: 14.06.1974

 English version:
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1975, 5:1, 40–42

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025