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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1988 Volume 15, Number 7, Pages 1448–1456 (Mi qe12325)

Laser applications and other aspects of quantum electronics

Mechanisms of change in the refractive index during propagation of λ = 2.8 μm radiation in a damp atmosphere

V. A. Levin, A. A. Sorokin, A. M. Starik

Abstract: An analysis is made of the influence of various mechanisms on changes in the refractive index accompanying the absorption of λ = 2.8 μm radiation by atmospheric water vapor. Conditions are obtained under which the influence of changes in the polarizability of the medium as a result of the excitation of molecular H2O vibrations, accompanied by changes in the density of the medium, can be neglected in calculations of the refractive index. It is found that a focusing thermal lens may be formed in the beam channel.

UDC: 621.373.826

PACS: 42.68.Ge, 92.60.Jq, 42.68.Ay, 42.68.Ca, 42.68.Mj

Received: 23.04.1987

 English version:
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1988, 18:7, 909–914

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