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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1988 Volume 15, Number 8, Pages 1622–1632 (Mi qe12398)

This article is cited in 2 papers

Laser plasma

Theoretical investigation of the stability of compression of thin-wall shell targets irradiated by laser pulses with an energy of the order of 1 kJ

E. G. Gamaliĭ, N. N. Demchenko, I. G. Lebo, E. E. Myshetskaya, V. B. Rozanov, V. F. Tishkin, A. P. Favorski, A. O. Fedyanin

Abstract: A report is given of two-dimensional numerical calculations of the stability of compression of thin-wall shell targets irradiated by laser pulses with an energy of the order of 1 kJ. The requirements imposed on the accuracy of manufacture and on the departure of the target irradiation from the spherical symmetry in order to provide stable compression are formulated.

UDC: 21.373.826:533.9

PACS: 28.52.Cx, 52.57.Kk

Received: 11.05.1987

 English version:
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1988, 18:8, 1012–1018

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