Pulsed and cw Nd3+:YAG lasers were used in an experimental investigation of the influence of dynamic gratings in intracavity DKDP crystal elements on the main characteristics of the radiation emitted by solid-state lasers at room temperature. A hologram, formed in a DKDP crystal by a two-beam method, induced generation of pulsed laser radiation which had the spectral characteristics of a signal beam injected from outside in the form of radiation from a cw Nd3+:YAG laser. In experiments on a cw Nd3+:YAG laser the formation of a phase grating resulted in selection of transverse radiation modes. Such selection made the repetition period of the lasing spikes more regular and reduced their duration. A study was made of the dependence of the amplitude of a photoinduced electric field, inducing photorefraction, on the polarisation of the radiation of the 1.06 μm wavelength. The formation of phase gratings in a DKDP crystal was the effect of excitation of impurity centres. The results obtained indicated feasibility of extending the range of control functions which can be performed by DKDP crystal elements.