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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 2014 Volume 44, Number 8, Pages 751–756 (Mi qe16018)

This article is cited in 35 papers

Laser biophotonics

Measurement of the temperature dependence of Young's modulus of cartilage by phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography

C.-H. Liua, M. N. Skryabinab, J. Lia, M. Singha, È. N. Sobol'bc, K. V. Larina

a Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston, USA
b M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics
c Department of Advanced Laser Technologies ILIT – branch ILIT in Troitsk

Abstract: The development of an effective system to monitor the changes in the elastic properties of cartilage tissue with increasing temperature in laser reconstruction is an urgent practical task. In this paper, the use of phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography for detection of elastic waves in the sample has allowed Young's modulus of cartilage tissue to be measured directly during heating. Young's modulus was calculated from the group velocity of propagation of elastic waves excited by means of a system supplying focused air pulses. The measurement results are in agreement with the results of measurements of the modulus of elasticity under mechanical compression. The technique developed allows for noninvasive measurements; its development is promising for the use in vivo.

Keywords: cartilage tissue, laser heating, measurement of the modulus of elasticity, optical coherence tomography.

PACS: 42.30.Wb, 87.80.Ek, 81.40.Jj, 87.19.rd

Received: 03.04.2014
Revised: 16.06.2014

 English version:
Quantum Electronics, 2014, 44:8, 751–756

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