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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 2020 Volume 50, Number 4, Pages 335–342 (Mi qe17227)

This article is cited in 2 papers

Extreme light fields and their interaction with matter

Generation of gamma radiation by a subterawatt ultrashort laser pulse: optimisation of preplasma and pulse duration

S. A. Shulyapova, I. N. Tsymbalovbc, K. A. Ivanovad, G. A. Gospodinova, R. V. Volkova, V. Yu. Bychenkovd, A. B. Savel'evad

a Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
b International Laser Center of Moscow State University
c Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
d P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Abstract: We report an experimental and numerical study of the acceleration of electrons in a plasma interacting with a subterawatt laser pulse (intensity of ~3 × 1018 W cm-2 at a pulse duration of 50 fs). A preplasma layer on the surface of a molybdenum target is formed by an additional laser pulse with a duration of 8 ns and an intensity of ~2 × 1012 W cm-2. It is shown that an increase in the laser pulse duration to 1700 fs at a constant energy (and a proportional decrease in intensity) leads to an increase in the yield of bremsstrahlung γ-radiation by more than an order of magnitude when the nanosecond pulse is ahead of the femtosecond one by 15–25 ns. Interferometry data and results of diagnostics of optical and γ-radiation of a plasma demonstrate that the collisional ionisation of atoms by electrons oscillating in the field of such a laser pulse plays an essential role in the formation of electron density profile. The sensitivity of the described effect to the level of amplified spontaneous emission is determined, despite the nanosecond pulse impact. Numerical simulations show that at a large pulse duration, the acceleration of electrons is stipulated by the beaking of plasma waves excited during stimulated Raman scattering of laser radiation.

Keywords: subrelativistic intensity, preplasma, contrast, amplified spontaneous emission, laser plasma, electron acceleration, collisional ionisation.

Received: 06.02.2020
Revised: 04.03.2020

 English version:
Quantum Electronics, 2020, 50:4, 335–342

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