We report the results of measuring the complex coupling coefficients in ring He – Ne lasers with a radiation wavelength of 632.8 nm. It is found that in assembling ring resonators from mirrors of the same quality, there is no correlation between the dissipative and conservative backscattering components. The analysis of the measurement results shows that this behaviour is associated with the speckle structure of the backscattered field in the ring resonator. The presence of backscattering (BS) sources with a random phase on the mirrors' surface leads to a spread in the values of the BS parameters, which is described by the Rayleigh distribution function. Ways to reduce the spread in the values of dissipative and conservative backscattering components in assembling the ring resonators are discussed.
Keywords:ring laser, ring resonator, laser gyroscope, backscattering, lock-in threshold, complex coupling coefficients of counterpropagating waves, dissipative and conservative components of backscattering.