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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1983 Volume 10, Number 6, Pages 1092–1097 (Mi qe4272)

Time dependence of the electron density in the afterglow of copper halide lasers operating in the double-pulse excitation regime

A. A. Zayakin, I. I. Klimovskii

Abstract: The results are given of measurements of the electron density in the interval between dissociation and excitation pulses in CuBr and CuJ lasers. The efficiencies of the different electron density relaxation mechanisms are analyzed. A comparison is made with similar results for a self-heating copper vapor laser.

UDC: 621.373.826.038.823

PACS: 42.55.Hq

Received: 06.07.1982

 English version:
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1983, 13:6, 698–700

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