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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1984 Volume 11, Number 1, Pages 215–216 (Mi qe4668)

Brief Communications

Resonance magnetic modulation of submillimeter radio waves in a semiconductor plasma

E. V. Sisakyan, A. B. Shvartsburg, G. N. Chimakadze

Abstract: An investigation is made of a strong anisotropy of the Joule absorption of submillimeter radio waves near a plasma resonance in InSb in weak magnetic fields (H < 100 G). The decrements describing resonant damping of the waves polarized along and across the magnetic field may differ by an order of magnitude. The dependence of the resonant damping on the carrier temperature is strong. These effects can be used in constructing fast-response submillimeter modulators, polarizers, and frequency filters controlled by an external magnetic field.

UDC: 621.373.8.029.71/73

PACS: 72.30.+q, 78.70.Gq, 72.20.Jv, 72.20.Fr, 72.80.Ey

Received: 29.07.1983

 English version:
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1984, 14:1, 151–152

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