Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1996 Volume 23, Number 3,Pages 202–204(Mi qe625)
Active media
Chromium-activated forsterite crystal as the passive Q switch in the cavity of an Nd:YAG laser and as the active medium in an Nd:YAG – Cr:forsterite laser system
Interdisciplinary Institute for Professional Training at the Belorussian State Polytechnical Academy, Minsk
An investigation was made of the generation and self-modulation of the λ = 1.064 and 1.25 μm radiation in an Nd:YAG – Cr:forsterite laser system. The advantages of this system over those with traditional methods were demonstrated. The feasibility of self-control of the rate of pumping of the Cr:forsterite crystal was revealed and recommendations on optimisation of the system were developed.