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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1987 Volume 14, Number 2, Pages 418–420 (Mi qe7541)

Brief Communications

Inversion of the contrast in a conjugate image reconstructed by four-wave mixing in media with a reactive nonlinearity

A. M. Lazaruk

Abstract: An analysis is made of Gabor dynamic volume phase holograms recorded by a signal wave which consists of a high-power homogeneous component and a relatively weak data-carrying field which determines the structure of the image formed with its aid. Reconstruction of such a reference-free hologram by a plane wave traveling opposite to the homogeneous component produces an inverted data field with a phase shift relative to the reconstructing wave. It is shown that when the maximum transfer of energy to the data-carrying component is attained, the phase shift becomes of the order of π and the conjugate image acquires a structure with an inverted contrast.

UDC: 535.44

PACS: 42.65.Hw, 42.40.Pa, 42.40.Ht, 42.30.Wb

Received: 21.05.1986

 English version:
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1987, 17:2, 262–264

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