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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1985 Volume 12, Number 10, Pages 2094–2113 (Mi qe7774)

Prediction of many new optically pumped submillimeter laser lines of deuterated fluoroform on the basis of infrared and submillimeter heterodyne spectroscopy

J. P. Sattler, R. P. Leavitt, T. L. Worchesky, M. S. Tobin

Abstract: Over three hundred new submillimeter emission lines were predicted for the ν5 band of deuterated fluoroform CDF3 pumped by isotopic CO2 and N2O infrared lasers. These lines were calculated by using recently derived molecular constants determined by fitting known infrared, microwave, and submillimeter transitions in CDF3. The calculated emission lines (estimated accuracy generally within  ± 1 MHz) should be useful to those with specific wavelength requirements. The CDF3 molecule provides a rich choice of frequencies at approximately 20-GHz intervals extending from about 40 GHz to beyond 1 THz.

UDC: 535.34

PACS: 42.60.Jf, 33.20.Ea, 42.62.Fi, 33.20.Bx, 33.80.Be

 English version:
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1985, 15:10, 1378–1388

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