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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1989 Volume 16, Number 3, Pages 558–561 (Mi qe7858)

Interaction of laser radiation with matter. Laser plasma

Occurrence of optical breakdown at aerosol particles in gases at elevated pressures

S. V. Selishchev, A. L. Smirnov, G. R. Toker, A. A. Uglov

Abstract: The interaction of laser radiation of moderate intensity with metal targets in N2 and Ar gases at 1–50 atm resulted in optical breakdown at aerosol particles in the vicinity of which the probe radiation from a ruby laser lost its coherence.

UDC: 621.43.127.124

PACS: 51.70.+f, 52.80.-s, 52.50.Jm

Received: 24.06.1988

 English version:
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1989, 19:3, 368–370

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